March 18, 2015

In just a week and a half we will be leaving for our mission trip in Mexico, helping to build an orphanage for Tapestries of Life ministries that will house more than 200 orphans from the streets of Juarez.  We are grateful for the support that has been raised through donations from friends and family as well as some fundraisers.  In addition to raising money, the fundraisers have helped raise awareness in our community about our trip.

I’m asking you to pray for our trip and what God will do through it.  There are 23 people in our group from ICC, including a group of nine students from Town of Webb school (and one father).  We are excited for the spiritual impact this will have on the team members.  Anyone who has served on a mission trip can testify to how profoundly something like this can impact team members.  Join me in praying that many seeds will be sown and that God will transform hearts throughout this week.  Pray for the residual impact.  I hope months from now, each person on this trip will see ways that their life has changed as a result of their time in Mexico.

Pray for unity of our team and for the relationships that will grow out of this trip.  Ministry happens in the context of relationships.

Most of our time will be spent doing construction projects on the orphanage, but there will be one day that we will devote to food distribution in Juarez.  Pray for the impact of this exposure to extreme poverty and the opportunity to bless many people with a two week supply of food.

Sunday evening, April 26 we will have a celebration to share about our trip.  I hope that family and friends from the community will join us that evening to hear firsthand the impact of this trip from the participants.

Thank you, in advance, for your prayers.  I’m excited to see how God will respond to this flood of praying people.

Pastor Phil


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